subscriber ——> EventBus 的register方法,传入的Activity实例进行注册,指明该Activity可以接受EventBus发布的事件
事件(Event)——> EventBus 的post方法,发布的事件,
publisher(发布者)——> EventBus的post方法。可以让注册了的Activity收到发布的消息
implementation 'org.greenrobot:eventbus:3.0.0'
@Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); EventBus.getDefault().register(this); } @Override public void onStop() { super.onStop(); EventBus.getDefault().unregister(this); }
public class FirstEvent { private String mMsg; public FirstEvent(String msg) { mMsg = msg; } public String getMsg(){ return mMsg; } }
EventBus.getDefault().post(new FirstEvent("FirstEvent btn clicked"));
来实现事件的接收,但是3.0版本后采用订阅事件@Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.订阅模式),订阅的模式查看源码的注释
public enum ThreadMode { /** * Subscriber will be called in the same thread, which is posting the event. This is the default. Event delivery * implies the least overhead because it avoids thread switching completely. Thus this is the recommended mode for * simple tasks that are known to complete is a very short time without requiring the main thread. Event handlers * using this mode must return quickly to avoid blocking the posting thread, which may be the main thread. */ POSTING, /** * Subscriber will be called in Android's main thread (sometimes referred to as UI thread). If the posting thread is * the main thread, event handler methods will be called directly. Event handlers using this mode must return * quickly to avoid blocking the main thread. */ MAIN, /** * Subscriber will be called in a background thread. If posting thread is not the main thread, event handler methods * will be called directly in the posting thread. If the posting thread is the main thread, EventBus uses a single * background thread, that will deliver all its events sequentially. Event handlers using this mode should try to * return quickly to avoid blocking the background thread. */ BACKGROUND, /** * Event handler methods are called in a separate thread. This is always independent from the posting thread and the * main thread. Posting events never wait for event handler methods using this mode. Event handler methods should * use this mode if their execution might take some time, e.g. for network access. Avoid triggering a large number * of long running asynchronous handler methods at the same time to limit the number of concurrent threads. EventBus * uses a thread pool to efficiently reuse threads from completed asynchronous event handler notifications. */ ASYNC }
ThreadMode.POSTING 订阅者方法将在发布事件所在的线程中被调用。这是 默认的线程模式。事件的传递是同步的,一旦发布事件,所有该模式的订阅者方法都将被调用。这种线程模式意味着最少的性能开销,因为它避免了线程的切换。因此,对于不要求是主线程并且耗时很短的简单任务推荐使用该模式。使用该模式的订阅者方法应该快速返回,以避免阻塞发布事件的线程,这可能是主线程。
ThreadMode.MAIN 订阅者方法将在主线程(UI线程)中被调用。因此,可以在该模式的订阅者方法中直接更新UI界面。如果发布事件的线程是主线程,那么该模式的订阅者方法将被直接调用。使用该模式的订阅者方法必须快速返回,以避免阻塞主线程。
ThreadMode.BACKGROUND 订阅者方法将在后台线程中被调用。如果发布事件的线程不是主线程,那么订阅者方法将直接在该线程中被调用。如果发布事件的线程是主线程,那么将使用一个单独的后台线程,该线程将按顺序发送所有的事件。使用该模式的订阅者方法应该快速返回,以避免阻塞后台线程。
ThreadMode.ASYNC 订阅者方法将在一个单独的线程中被调用。因此,发布事件的调用将立即返回。如果订阅者方法的执行需要一些时间,例如网络访问,那么就应该使用该模式。避免触发大量的长时间运行的订阅者方法,以限制并发线程的数量。EventBus使用了一个线程池来有效地重用已经完成调用订阅者方法的线程。
//这里我们采用的是ThreadMode.MAIN订阅模式,根据入参对象event处理不同的事件 @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MainThread) public void onEventMainThread(FirstEvent event) { …… }